Posts Tagged ‘Cycles’

schwartzvidToday, “High Intensity Interval Training”  (abbreviated “HIIT”) is the “rage”.  Some claim it even burns 9 times more fat than “steady state cardio”! (see below for the misquoted research!)

The common line is… “Stop working out so long! Work out hard and intense using intervals!”

As a result, people who yesterday were blobs of blubber sitting on the couch are now told to be in the gym doing “high intensity interval training” with no preparation or foundation whatsoever!

One recent article even promised people they could get fit with a “10 Minute workout“. Unfortunately the research article quoted in support of that contention was mis-interpreted! The scientist behind the study contended sedentary people could greatly improve their overall fitness with 10 minute workouts – if they had 15 of those 10 minute workouts per week! OOPS! Slight oversight there, eh? A recommendation of 150 minutes per week is a bit different than 30 minutes a week isn’t it?  (more…)